Membrane innovations of the university are implemented by the Membrane Research Institute Designer Group, and via the university Technopark.
The university is connected with the number of regional small enterprises working for membrane technologies.
MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY Innovation Enterprise Ltd
MemBridge FP7 № 233253 Project partner
- implements new membrane, electrochemical, water treatment and ecological technologies into industry and agriculture
- develops, designs and services new ion-exchange membranes, electrodialyzers, and other electromembrane and baromembrane appliances for water desalination/deionisation and electrolyte concentration, electromembrane synthesis of organic and inorganic substances, recuperation of saline solutions into alkalis and acids
- trains students practical work in the sphere of electromembrane technology
- Cooperates with European Membrane Institute (Montpellier, France), US, China, France, Kazakhstan, Latvia
- 52 inventor’s certificates of recognition, 17 patents, 15 international medals and diplomas
- Unique electrodialyzers above highest world level
- 98 p.c. water/dissolved substance recuperation technologies