The data base of some scientific and research institutes, manufacturing and agricultural enterprises and private entrepreneurs of the South of the Russian Federation

(up to 01.04.2011)

Agriculture and raw materials

Membrane technologies can help to handle the following problems, such as:


- cleaning up waste water from oil emulsions

- breaking of emulsions oil-water

- dye stuff removing

- sea water desalination

- industrial effluent treatment

- getting clear water for accumulators

- materials closed circuit creation




Fabrika pervichnoy  obrabotky shersty-1, OOO


Îáùåñòâî ñ îãðàíè÷åííîé îòâåòñòâåííîñòüþ "Ôàáðèêà ïåðâè÷íîé îáðàáîòêè øåðñòè - 1"

It is a former Nevinnomyssk wool combine which was founded in 1895. It specializes in primary processing of raw wool.

Currently, the plant has 12 dryers.

Its products are:
       - washed wool;
       - blankets;
       - drape.

In the late XX-th century the factory produced to 30.3 thousand tons of scoured wool with 22.1% utilization of capacity on average per year.

Today, the factory has big problems with raw materials

Feature of production is that it requires
aggregated rate of water consumption and water supply: about 40-70 m3 of water needs for the production of one ton of products and about 91-106 m3 of water – for the restoration of wool.


28, Mayakovskogo Str., Nevinnomyssk city, Stavropol region, 357030 Russia

Tel.:  (86554) 2-24-56


Tel../Fax: (86554) 3-07-02



Vladimir Prokofjevich Zubov


A development of the fur industry are associated with the use of various chemical materials, among them a large place occupied by surfactants, dyes, tanning agents, new finishing materials, etc.

These materials, entering with sewage in the water, pollute them, cause odors, change the color and taste of water and act negatively on the organisms living in water. In addition, the wastewater contains a large number of mechanical impurities, which also fall into the water. Wastewater to individual process areas are different in their composition and properties. After soaking and fleshing they are alkaline, contain large amounts of sodium chloride is dissolved and not dissolved organic and mineral substances. Waste water after pickling and tanning operations acidic and contain salts of chromium and aluminum. The composition of waste water after dyeing of fur semifinished includes remnants of dyes, soda, ammonia and sodium thiosulfate.

All wastewater fur factories in accordance with the methods of treatment can be divided into three groups: chromium, dyeing effluents and sewage otmochno-washing and degreasing operations.




Îòêðûòîå àêöèîíåðíîå îáùåñòâî "Ãèäðîìåòàëëóðã"

OAO Gidrometallurg produces tungsten anhydride and molybdenum concentrate. This is one of the leading companies in the world in production of specified products. The design capacity of plant for raw material processing is 11 thousand tons of middlings per year with the contents therein tungsten trioxide 45%, oxidized molybdenum 4.5%.

The plant was built in 1962. In 1982, the company has been reconstructed: an advanced extraction technology of tungsten anhydride and ammonium paratungstate of much higher in quality have been introduced. In 2001, the company organized the production of its own raw materials by recycling solid tungsten alloys with a capacity of 1 thousand tons per year.

The products are manufactured with using water-acid and alkaline solutions, and chemical reagents on the basis of modern extraction technology, which allows extract useful components of metals such as tungsten and molybdenum from tungsten concentrates with a low content. Modern factory’s technology   provides two-stage high-temperature autoclave opening of tungsten concentrates with using  soda or caustic soda (it is depend on the nature of the used feedstock). Leaching solutions in the future are cleaned of impurities and fed to the separation of molybdenum and tungsten. Molybdenum is separated by sulphide sedimentaion method and tungsten is separated from the solutions with using extraction as ammonium tungstate.

The plant's products are exported to over 20 countries (Austria, Spain, Israel, Japan, South Africa).

But today the crisis affected the activity of the "Gidrometallurg" in connection with its deep dependence on the world market,

105, Golovko Str., Nalchik city, Kabardino-Balkar Republic, 360000 Russia

Tel. (8622) 420-574



Fax: (8622) 420-823

Fax: 42-08-23





Director General:

Oleg Nikolaevich Shilo




Petrochemical industry




Âîëãîãðàäñêîå îòêðûòîå àêöèîíåðíîå îáùåñòâî "Õèìïðîì"

OAO Volgogradsky Khimprom is one of the largest chemical enterprises of Russia. It is a part of the State corporation RosTechnology.

The Volgogradsky chemical plant was built in 1931, and already by 1938 the factory was a leading enterprise in the chemical industry in Russia. During the Second World War the plant produced defense products. In the postwar years, the plant was reconstructed, new shops were put into operation. In the period 1960-1980's the company had successfully developed new technologies, installed new equipment, increased production volume by 4.9 times. Since 1988, the products were exported to 12 countries near and far abroad too.

Despite the inherent difficulties of the last decade, today the plant increases production and economic indicators.

Product range includes over 120 titles now.

The main products of the Volgogradsky Khimprom are:

-         household chemistry;

-         products of industrial purpose;

-         chemical weed and pest killers.

OAO khimprom is the only manufacturer in Russia, producing benzyl alcohol, chloride of lime, ferric chloride, chloride benzyl. Some chemical products of the plant work up a  significant share of the domestic market: chlorinated paraffin wax - 25%, methylene chloride - 70%, chloroform - 50%, trichloroethylene - 45%, calcium carbide - 60%.


23, Promyslovaya Str., Volgograd city, Volgogradsky region,

400057 Russia

Tel./fax: (8442) 45-19-39










Director General:

Viktor Pavlovich Trukhin



 Rosneft-Tuapsinsky neftepererabatyvayushchiy zavod, OOO


Îáùåñòâî ñ îãðàíè÷åííîé îòâåòñòâåííîñòüþ "ÐÍ-Òóàïñèíñêèé íåôòåïåðåðàáàòûâàþùèé çàâîä "

Tuapse refinery, located in the Krasnodar Region, is a part of a vertically integrated structure of OAO NK Rosneft. The plant is a single production complex with marine terminal.

It was put into operation in 1929.

The plant capacity is 5.0 mln.tons (36.6 million bbl.) oil per year. The refinery processes West Siberian crude oil, as well as produced crude oil at the south of Russia, which is delivered via the Transneft pipeline system and by rail transport.

The plant specializes in production of motor fuels, the major petroleum products are naphtha and fuel oil.

In 2009, total output volume was 5,210,000 tons (38,100,000 barrels). Production capacities of the plant were fully loaded, and product yield was 5.09 mln.tons. In 2009 the depth of refining was about 55.3%.

By 2011 is planned to increase annual capacity to 12 mln. tons, oil refining is projected to reach 95%, by 2012 to bring quality products to the standards Euro- 4 and Euro- 5, bringing the company to the modern norms of harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Currently, the reconstruction of Tuapse plant is continued.

At the first stage of reconstruction of the plant (2009) a permission was given for the construction and installation works of the first starting complex of the plant started (the installation of primary oil refining unit CDU /VDU-12 with a naphtha hydrotreating section, as well as off-site facilities). New loading/ unloading oil rail trestles and 39 new tanks with a total capacity of more than 406 thousand m3 were put into operation, loading pipes were brought to the surface, network of industrial sewage was constructed and etc.

In 2009 the basic projects of the second starting complex were under development too, which included design of:

         - a hydrocracking vacuum gas oil in the mixture with a heavy gas oil coking and hydrotreating of diesel fuel unit;

         -hydrogen production unit;

         - isomerization and hydrotreating of naphtha;

         - catalytic reforming units;

         - sulfur production.


1, Sochinskaya Str., Tuapse city, Krasnodar region, 352800 Russia
Tel: (86167) 7-74-20

 Fax: (86167) 2-76-52


Acting Director General:

Andrey Valerjevich Votinov




ASTRAKHANSKY Gazopererabatyvayushchiy zavod, OAO



Astrakhan Gas Processing Plant was built in 1985. The plant converts gas,  gas condensate and oil  feedstock into commercial products.

It is an integrated enterprise, the first phase of which was put into operation in 1986, the second - in 1997.

Hereafter gas separation unit, high- and middle pressure sulphur-refinement moduls, sulfur unit for production of elemental sulfur, gas-gasoline processing plant, gas condesate  stabilization plant, sulfur granulation complex and etc. were built. Short-range plans - to complete construction of the facilities needed for the quality raw material preparation for catalytic processes.

In the main Astrakhan GPP performs the processing of sour gas and condensate of the Astrakhan gas condensate field.

The plant produces:

       -dry tank gas;

        -stable gas condensate;

        - liquefied gas;

        -motor gasoline;

        - diesel fuel;

        - fuel oil;

        - liquid, lump, granulated sulfur;

        - odorant.

Currently, the Astrakhan gas processing plant is part of  OOO Gazprom Extracting Astrakhan, which is a complex, connecting a single technological chain of 19 industrial units.


416154, Àñòðàõàíñêàÿ îáë.Êðàñíîÿðñêèè ðàéîí, ïîñ. Àêñàðàéñêèé Ðîññèÿ

Àäðåñ: 416154 Àñòðàõàíñêàÿ îáë., Êðàñíîÿðñêèé ðàéîí, ïîñ. Àêñàðàéñêèé


Òåëåôîí: (8512) 24-71-33

Ôàêñ: (8512) 22-75-56

ôàêñ: 22-75-56, 24-71-33, 22-70-88

òåëåôîí: (8512) 24-71-33, 24-70-88, 31-43-10


Ñåðãåé Àíàòîëüåâè÷ Ìèõàéëåíêî — ãåíåðàëüíûé äèðåêòîð ÎÎÎ «Ãàçïðîì äîáû÷à Àñòðàõàíü».


Director refinery

Áåëèíñêèé Áîðèñ Èñàåâè÷

The basic production factors of the plant able to provide the damaging effect are airborne hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, oxides of carbon and nitrogen.

Heat and Power Plants


Application of membrane technologies will allow reducing pure water prime cost four- to six-fold:

- considerable saving is achieved through elimination of sewage waters:

- no need to pay penalties for effluence discharge;

- no expenses for sewage waters disinfecting reagents, manifolds maintenance, etc.

- Development of water and substances closed cycle (reduction of expenses for salt and alkali purchase for ion-exchange filters regeneration);

- water softening is especially essential for steam generators;

- oil tank drainage flow and rainfall discharge treatment;

- reduction of effluent volume.

The total savings of conversion to membrane technology of water conditioning for a heat and power plant consuming 150 m3/h. of deionized water can amount to 100 - 200 million rubles a year.


Kamenskaya TETS,





Êàìåíñêàÿ ÒÝÖ, OOO ËÓÊÎÉË-Ðîñòîâýíåðãî

Kamenskaya Heat Power Plant was  commissioned in 1937. Initial fuel was coal - anthracite from Donetsk. During 1987-1991 its boilers were converted to natural gas.

Installed electric capacity of the Kamenskaya TPP is 34 ÌW.

The average annual electricity production is

5 mln.kW*hour. Used fuel is gas and oil.

The HPP has 8 boilers:

2 – type “ÊÎØ” and  ÒÏ” with capacity of 220 ton/hour of each; 4 – type “Ä” with capacity of 120 ton/hour; 2 - type “ÁÊÇ” with capacity of 160 ton/hour of each,

and 3 turbines type “ÏÐ-12-90-15/7”.

From 2004 to 2007 Kamenskaya HPP was on conservation.

Now her biggest consumers are the chemical industry of the city, the station also supplies with electricity the population of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky city.

Today a heat mechanical equipment was taken out of service in order to dismantle. Within 2 years it is planned to install two turbines of 6 MW each. As a result of the reconstruction of Kamenskaya HPP its capacity will increase to 46 MW. The cost of reconstruction of the HPP will be 150.5 mln. rubles.



10, Saprygina Str., Kamensk-Shakhtinsky city, Rostov region, 347801 Russia

Tel.: (86365) 5-59-40



(863) 250-98-44.


Igor Ilyich Deev




1. establishing of waste-free production;

2. setting up water and dissolved substances closed technological cycle;

3. elimination of suspended colloidal substances and microorganisms in such sugar containing liquids as diffusion juice, transport and washing, pulp press and scouring waters of sugar production;

4. molasses mass desugarization;

5. calcium removal from beet sugar syrup;

6. production of complex of potassium - phosphate fertilizers.





Saharny Zavod Chechensky Respubliki, GUP




Ãîñóäàðñòâåííîå óíèòàðíîå ïðåäïðèÿòèå "Ñàõàðíûé çàâîä ×å÷åíñêîé Ðåñïóáëèêè"

It was built in 1961. It processed 2,000 tons of sugar beet a day.

By reason of the war it didn’t work more 10 years.

After recovery the Saharny Zavod CR (the Sugar-Mill) starts its work again in 2009: the first stage of the factory with 1,500 tons of sugar beet processing capacity began its operation.

During recovery they changed 50% of old equipment to a new one, automated all technological operations. The factory is fitted out with modern equipment

It’s a modern and energy efficient sugar-mill now.

Now the staff is about 300 persons.

Today the sugar-mill processes more 1,000 tons of sugar-mill a day. They plan to achieve 5,000 ton processing capacity per day after final recovering.



2, Sakharozavodskaya Str., Argun city, Chechenian Republic of Ichkeria, 366310 Russia

Tel.: (8712) 472-22-25



Tjurkshi Amaliev


Water treatment


Proizvodstvennoye objedineniye

Vodokanal of Rostov-on-Don city, OAO


Îòêðûòîå àêöèîíåðíîå îáùåñòâî "Ïðîèçâîäñòâåííîå îáúåäèíåíèå Âîäîêàíàë ãîðîäà Ðîñòîâà-íà-Äîíó"

Drinking water production, Rostov-on-Don city waste water treatment.


In recent decades, Rostov Vodokanal remains the largest utility company in Southern Russia.

Rostov plumbing was founded in 1865 and provided water in the volume of 1,500 m3 of water per day. Up 1934 new facilities plumbing were put into operation and its capacity was 103,000 m3 per day. During  the 2nd World War it was almost completely destroyed and only from 1959 to present a new era in the history of the Rostov water began. In 1962 the first lift pumping station began to operate, its capacity - 320,000 m3  per day. In 1965 the construction of water supply capacity with capacity of 160,000 m3 per day was completed, pumping stations, water pipelines, water treatment plant facilities were constructed, and municipal water supply network was reconstructed. During 1971-1972 four water pumping stations of third lift were put into operation. In 1977 the third stage filter began its work with the capacity of 40 thousand m3 per day. After launching in 1981 the second stage of the Alexander plumbing the performance of urban water supply amounted to 480,000 m3 per day. By 2002 the automating of the  first sewage pumping station "Kurskaya" was executed. In 2004-2005, four new automated sewage pumping stations with no presence of staff were built. In 2007 the dispatching project was carried out at the 1st stage of the main water pumping stations scheduling. In 2009-2010 10 water pumping stations with no local presence of staff have been automated.



293, M. Gorkogo Str., Rostov-on-Don

tel: (863) 283-01-26



fax: (863) 251-84-44 





Director General: Evgeny Alekseyevich Kozmin





BAGAEVSKY  Konservny zavod, OAO


Îòêðûòîå àêöèîíåðíîå îáùåñòâî "Áàãàåâñêèé êîíñåðâíûé çàâîä"



The Bagaevsky cannery was one of the largest enterprises in the former SovietUnion. In the early 90's the factory produced 40 mln. conventional tins (MUB) a year, the needs of its production were fully supplied with local raw materials. From October 2005 to March 2010, the company did not work practically.

After a change of ownership a fundamental reconstruction and modernization was done at the factory, a new Italian equipment of Manzini firm was equipped. In particular, a production line for puree, a marinade line for the production of pickled cucumbers and tomatoes were installed. The cannery began to produce canned vegetables, prepared food, juices, baby food.

In 2010 the Bagaevsky cannery produced 25 MUB, in 2013 60 MUB will be produced,  in the sequel the cannery plans  to produce 100 MUB per year (an emphasis will be done at  small packed products).

In 2010-2011 the investment in the Bagaevsky will amount to 450 mln. rubles.

Today, 100% of authorized capital of the Bagaevsky cannery cannery belong to CERATI LIMITED company, Cyprus.


1, Stepana Razina Str., Bagaevskaya settlement, Bagaevsky area, Rostov region, 346610 Russia


Juridicial address:

2-A, Lermontova Str., Kirillovka settlement, Novorossiysk city, Krasnodar region, 353960 Russia

Tel. 86357) 3-21-61






Director General:

Vitaliy Sergeevich Romanenko


Milk industry

Application of membrane technologies makes it possible to solve the problems of:

1.      water conditioning;

2.      creating of closed water cycle;

3.      production  of feed and food additives during whey processing;

4.      waste water minimization

5.      acid whey (cottage cheese, casein) de-oxidation, and different types of whey (cheese, salty, cottage cheese, casein) demineralization;

6.      milk whey reclamation in manufacture of confectionery (spice -cakes, torts, biscuits, candy) and meat products (cooked sausage, ham, pate);

7.      production of dairy products (whole milk products, ice cream, curds, curd spreads, cheeses)

  1. distilled water production for motor car park needs;
  2. cutting down  raw water intake;
  3. biomethanation for enterprises having dairy herd of their own.


TIMASHEVSKY Molocny Kombinat, OAO,

the branch of the OJSC WBD


«Òèìàøåâñêèé ìîëî÷íûé êîìáèíàò», OAO,

 ôèëèàë Îòêðûòîãî àêöèîíåðíîãî îáùåñòâà «Âèìì-Áèëëü-Äàíí»








Timashevsky Molocny Kombinat (Wimm-Bill-Dann's Timashevsky milk processing plant) is one of the largest in the south of Russia. It combines three companies of Krasnodar Region: Atamanskoye, OOO; “Plemzavod Za Mir i Trud”, OAO; “Zavety Ilyicha”, OAO.

The Milk Processing Factory produces a wide assortment of traditional dairy products such as sterilized milk and cream, pasteurized milk, fermented milk products (kefir, ryazhenka), sour cream, butter under trademarks:  "Domik v derevne"("House in a village"), “Kubanskaya Burenka”, processed cheese “Vesely Molochnik” ("Jolly Milkman").

Besides the Milk Processing Factory produces enriched milk products: bio-kefirs and drinking yogurts containing Bifidobacteria under trademarks: “Bio-Max”, “Nash doctor”. Glazed sweet curd cheeses with various flavors, drinking yogurts, fruit-flavored milk under trademarks “Chudo” (“Miracle”), “Ryzhy Up”, “Frugurt” are offered as dairy desserts.  Fruit-flavored milk and kefir, puddings and flavored cottage cheese products, including hard and processed cheese.

Manufacture and marketing of dairy products, baby food and cheeses.

The here and now the company has already finished the re-equipment of its low-calorie production line and launched  manufacture of soft cottage cheese (the Wimm-Bill-Dann's total investment in the Timashevsky dairy factory was to ˆ17.5 million). The new yogurt line has been installed in an attempt to increase capacity up to 100 tons.

The total production capacity of milk-processing plant is about 700 tons of milk per day.

The overall investment in the Timashevsky Dairy Plant amounted to $ 19.7 million in 2003, $10 million in 2007, including $5 million in reconstruction a curd desserts line.

The Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods company (OJSC WBD) operates 37 production facilities in Russia and the CIS as well as distribution networks in 40 cities throughout  Russia ans CIS. During 2009, they employed, on average, 16,299 people.


2, Gibridnaya Str.,  Timashevsk city, Krasnodar region, 353760, Russia


tel: (86130) 4-23-86




fax: (86130) 9-08-05


tel/fax: (86130) 4-28-61



Director General:

Sergey Ivanovich Bondarev







ÎÀÎ "Ñûðîäåë"

It was built in 1930. The factory grew and reconstructed many times. Today it is one of the hard cheese producer leaders and the biggest enterprise in Stavropol region. Its cheese  assortment consists of 10 brands, milk production - more 40 brands.

Company specializes in dairy products: “Rossiysky” 50% richness cheese, “Vityaz” cheese, smoked cheese, “Suluguni cheese, Russian Mozzarella cheese making,  processed cheese, “Krestianskoye” butter,   whey butter, “Starokrestianskoye” butter manufacturer as well as fermented milk products, ice-cream..

The processing capacity of the factory is 150 tons of milk per day.

The company’s strategy is improving its production quality, assortment expansion, technical modernization and re-construction, adoption of new production processes.    

It has won more 200 prizes for the last 10 years.

The firm is a  prize-winner of the "100 Best Goods of Russia” Exhibition-Competition of agricultural products, for 8 years – the Leader of the Quality in Stavropol region, a  possessor of the  Nickel Silver Star “The Enterprize Leader of Russia”, a winner of the  grand prize “The Silk Road”.


38, Zarechnaya Str., Ipatovo, Stavropol region, 356600, Russia

tel:       (86542) 2-11-74




Fax:(86542) 2-19-74





General Executive:

Nikolay Timofeevich Vil’gotsky






UST’-LABINSKY EfirnoMasloextraktsionny kombinat FLORENTINA, ZAO


Çàêðûòîå àêöèîíåðíîå îáùåñòâî "Óñòü-Ëàáèíñêèé ýôèðíîìàñëîýêñòðàêöèîííûé êîìáèíàò "Ôëîðåíòèíà"


FLORENTINA ia a member of the Group of Companies Russian Oil.

Production of vegetable oil, coriander oil, essential coriander oil, essential oil capitally, sunflower .

Its history began in 1903 when creamery Brunan was built. In 1913 it became a member of JSC Salomas united all Kuban large  creameries and chemical factories. Then an  extraction shop was built. In 1955 coriander oil shop was  put into production, in 1965 - a multiple  immersion horizontal extractor, in 1980 -  coriander  nonwaste technology.

Today it produces raw  vegetable oil, packed  raw  vegetable oil, sunflower refined deodorized oil, unrefined sunflower oil,  extrusion vegetable oil, soya oil, rape oil,  coriander oil, sunflower schrot, soya  schrot, coriander  schrot, vegetable oil  Russia,  vegetable oil  Zlatnitsa.

The enterprize procedding capacity is following:

  • sunflower seeds – 400 tons a day;
  • soya – 300 tons a day;
  • rape oil seeds – 320 tons a day;
  • coriander fruits – 120 tons a day.

The Group of Companies Russian one of the biggest sunflower oil producer in Russia (4% at the market of packed oil and 12% - bulk oil) and soya reprocessing.


133, Gagarina Str., Ust-Labinsk city, Krasnodar region, 352336, Russia

Tel. (86135) 2-27-50






Andrei Alexandrovich Mantrov




Scientific research institutes


NII farmakologii pri Volgogradskoy kafedre usovershenstvovaniya, Volgoradsky gosudarstvenny meditsinskiy Universitet


ÍÈÈ ôàðìàêîëîãèè ïðè Âîëãîãðàäñêîé êàôåäðå óñîâåðøåíñòâîâàíèÿ , "Âîëãîãðàäñêèé ãîñóäïðñòâåííûé ìåäèöèíñêèé óíèâåðñèòåò"


In 1991 the Research Institute of Pharmacology was established on rhe basic of units of the Central Research Laboratory of the Volgograd Medical Institute.

The Institute carries out research in the field of medicine, the development of new drugs.

Today, on the basis of Institute of Pharmacology in collaboration with the departments of clinical pharmacology and general pharmacology of the Volgograd State Medical University pre-clinical studies of drugs, development of new medicines are conducted.

3, Pugachevskaya Str., Volgograd, 400001 Russia

tel. (8442) 97-81-60




Alexandr Alexandrovich Ozerov


Head of subdepartment of pharmacology of Volgorad Medicine Academy:

Dr.Vladimir Ivanovich Petrov



ALLERGEN, Filial FGUP NPO MicroGen, Ministerstvo zdravoohraneniya RF

«ÀËËÅÐÃÅÍ», ÔÈËÈÀË ÔÃÓÏ ÍÏÎ "ÌÈÊÐÎÃÅÍ" Ìèíèñòåðñòâà çäðàâîîõðàíåíèÿ ÐÔ



History of branches that were merged into NPO Microgen, has more than 100 years. They were formed on the basis of Pasteur stations and laboratories, conducting research in the field of immunobiology. There are research laboratories, which conduct its own development of new immunobiological products and manufacturing technologies at the branches of the company.

The Stavropol branch is one of them.

Products: adenosinetriphosphoric acid,  not bacterial enzymes, enzymes, vaccines, serums, Horse Serum, Herbal extracts, growth media, agar-agar, and etc.


20, Biologicheskaya Str., Stavropol city, Stavropol region, 355105 Russia

Tel. (8652) 24-40-84



Fax: (8652) 24-37-01



Antonina Ivanovna Maslova



Food industry


Respublikanskoye agropromyshlenne predpriyatie KAVKAZ-MYASO, OAO


Îòêðûòîå àêöèîíåðíîå îáùåñòâî Ðåñïóáëèêàíñêîå àãðîïðîìûøëåííîå ïðåäïðèÿòèå "Êàâêàç-ìÿñî"



The company produces meat, poultry, variety meat, animal blood (secondary raw materials for pharmaceutical and biomedical industry).

The plant was founded in 1940. It is a former meat processing and packing factory Cherkessky.

Share in the production of edible meat industry of the Republic is about 35%.

In 1996, the production of canned meat in a tin was mastered. In recent years, a canning plant was constructed and put into operation, which now produces 22 types of canned goods (its capacity is 80,000 cans per day). In July 2005, the technical upgrading of sausage production was completed and etc.

The maximum allowable design capacity is:
        - meat - 50 tons per shift;
        - meat products - 10 tons per shift;
         - canned - 40 TUB per shift.

Today the plant processes meat, produces sausages, canned meat, animal food fats, dry animal feed.




21, Pyatigorskoye shosse, Cherkessk city, the Karachai-Cherkess Republic 369000 Russia

Tel.: (87822) 4-36-48

Fax: (87822) 4-36-64


Director General:

Magit Khasanovich Batdyev


Chairman of the board:

Eldar Pazlievich Baychorov




Konditerskaya fabrika ZHAKO, OOO


Îáùåñòâî ñ îãðàíè÷åííîé îòâåòñòâåííîñòüþ Êîíäèòåðñêàÿ ôàáðèêà "ÆÀÊÎ"

The company was registered in 2005.

The factory bought new equipment, production area and spread considerably over in 2005.

The company produces different products under several trade marks: “THE ELEPHANT BREAKFASTS”  trade mark goes  with every puff pastry product; “PECHKIN’S CHILDREN” go along with all aromatic baking and “THE SLICE OF HAPPINESS” was specially invented for caramel.

Confectionåry Factory Zhako has exclusive right of using the trade mark “ZHAKO, TO PAMPER IS EASY!” while producing confectionery products and using special recipes.

The basis of the successful activity of the factory is professional staff, extensive net of customers, modern equipment.

The production range of  the “ZHAKO” covers more than 150 confectionery items including  marmalade-pastille products, waffles, jelly, fondant and milky filling sweets, sweets with filling between waffle layers, assorted chocolates, iris, dragee, puff pastry, cookies, caramel.

Products of the factory are made of  high quality cooking raw-stuff and correspond to the best  confectionery analogues  of the leading companies of  the Russia.

The factory uses russian as well as foreign cooking raw-stuff during confectionery production process.

Its technologists carry out multilevel quality control over confectionery in the certified factory laboratory. There they test form, organoleptic characteristics and other product aspects. In the end all the samples undergo additional analysis.

The whole production of the factory is certified and meets health standards. Besides, and it is of great importance, the confectionery meets the highly strict requirements of environmental safety.

The company uses modern european equipment plus specialists “know-how”. The tactic of the factory is sensible and qualitative onward moving.

The production of  the “ZHAKO” was often awarded with medals and diplomas of the regional and federal exhibitions.


14, Promproezd Str., Nalchyk city, the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria,

360000 Russia

Tel:  8-800-100-35-75



Chief executive:

Aslanby Shikharbievich Zhakamuhov





IP PASHCHENKO A.I. (private entrepreneur)



ÈÏ Ïàùåíêî Àíàòîëèé Èëüè÷

«Êîðîíà Ñòàâðîïîëüÿ»


The enterprise was established in 1993.  This is a company specializing in the processing of agricultural, produces sunflower oil, flour, corn grits under the trade name "Crown of Stavropol”. A plant and 3.5 ha of land belong to individual entrepreneur Paschenko.

In 2007, new capacities for production of flour have been put into operation, in 2008 - a new production line of  Mark M semolina, in 2009 – an equipment for producing short macaroni from company Bühler AG (Switzerland).

In  2009 the company started production of samp and  cornflour, and corn oil.

Since 2010  the plant produces macaroni for more than 10 types of items from wheat flour and corn, using Italian technology.

The company performs the processing of sunflower seeds, winter wheat, corn and has the following departments:

         -press shop;
         - refining shop;
          -shop for dehumidification and other auxiliary operations;
          - shop for oil bleaching;
          - deodorization shop;
          -two shops for  sunflower oil packing;       

          -warehouses for finished products and raw materials.

In 2005, a mill complex was put into operation. The structure of the mill complexconsists of:

          -milling equipment of Turkish firm «CANDEGIRMEN MAKINALARI;

          - flour packing shop (bags and  packets: 1-,2-, 3-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 45-, 50 kg);

          -two  warehouses of  finished goods.

The plant produces products under the trademark "Crown of Stavropol”.


18, Tennistaya Str., Svetlograd city, Stavropol region, 356534  Russia

Òåë.: (865-47) 4-90-10

                         4-90-16    8-962-406-03-96




Chief executive:

Anatoliy Iljich Pashhenko


Alcoholic industry, production of soft drinks, bottling water



OAO Moskovsky kombinat champansky vin


Ôèëèàë «Êàâèãðèñ», Îòêðûòîå àêöèîíåðíîå îáùåñòâî "Ìîñêîâñêèé êîìáèíàò øàìïàíñêèõ âèí"

Established in 1980 the Moscow Combine Champagne is the largest enterprize in the wine indusry of Russia. In 2005 it opened a branch in Zheleznovodsk:”Kavigris” which was founded after reconstruction of an old winery built in 1933.

There are 2 technological lines at the factory: versatile bottling of champagne and wines, as well as the line for bottling in “Bag in Box” type.

The factory is equipped by modern unique equipment. The most of the technological and other manufacturing operations are automated and mechanized. 50,000 liters of wine  are stored in wine vats 9-meter-high. An automatic bottling machine was delivered from Italia.

Wine base material is imported from Krasnodar region, South Africa, Argentina and Spain.

Champagne is made from classic European grape varieties: Chardonnay, Riesling, Aligote, Sauvignon.

The Kavigris branch manufactures a wide range of different champagne condition: ordinary, aged, an elite.  There are present gift sparkling wines in an exclusive design with a capacity of 1.5 l, 3.0 and 6.0 liters in assortment too.

Sparkling wines of the factory have a distinguished thin and delicate bouquet, fresh and exquisite taste, high degree of saturation with carbon dioxide, highly dispersed stable foam, beautiful and long lasting game. The famous elite shampagne is “Zolotoy standart”(the Gold Standard”). The plant's products entered into the "100 best goods of Russia " and was awarded special diplomas and medals.


105, Shosseynaya Str., Inozemtsevo settlement, Zheleznovodsk city, Stavropol region,357441 Russia

Tel. (87932) 5-50-20

Tel./fax: (87932) 5-55-30





Sergei Ivanovich Kovtun




MPK” Pivovarenny Zavod MAYKOPSKY, OOO

ÎÎÎ "ÌÏÊ" Ïèâîâàðåííûé Çàâîä "ÌÀÉÊÎÏÑÊÈÉ"





Maykopsky Brewery was built in 1882. Production of the factory poured manually then into special cut-glass bottle embossed with the inscription "Slavic" and already in 1908 won gold medal.

Today as a result of reorganization Maykopsky Brewery was transformed into MPK Pivovarenny Zavod MAYKOPSKY. The brewery - the two objects are located near each other: a brewery and a malt shop.

More than 91 million rubles were spent for the acquiring of new equipment, launch of  filling lines, construction of a new refrigeration compressor station and the reconstruction of the administrative body. The acquisition of working capital spent another 29 million.

Presently the brewery produces malt beer. They invited experts from abroad. They buy raw materials abroad (for example Czech malt and Cerman hop sorts).   

Its production capacity is 12 mln. liters per year now but brewing capacity – 30 mln. liters per year. The brewery is at modernization stage now (they plan to achieve production capacity of 5 mln. decalitres per year). To achieve these capacities is embedding another 62 million rubles for the reconstruction of fermentation–camp plant.

They use bottles and tuns. Beer is available in kegs, 0.5 liter glass bottle and 1.5 liters  PET packaging.

In 2009 the company started production of highly carbonated soft drinks - the "Three keys with aroma of pear "," Lemonade, "Tarragon"and drinking water"AQUA-Fisht” in various formulations.

The famous beer brands are “Tsarskoye beer “, “Chestnoye  beer”, “Anton Rubesh”, etc. “Chestnoye ” brand beer was awarded Gold medal and diploma at the XVI International Exhibition “ProdExpo-2009”.

The staff is 80 persons.


2, Gogolya Str., Maykop city, Republic of Adygeya, 352909 Russia

tel.: (8772) 527-000




fax:  (8772) 570-4-95




General Executive:

Kaplan Panesh

1. water conditioning

2. obtaining of ultrapure water

3. improving taste qualities of beer

4. extraction of beer from spent yeast.

 5. depreciation  of beer cost compared with kieselghur filters use

3. creation of a closed water cycle

4. pH regulation of water for coolers.

5. sewage treatment



DERBENTSKY zavod igristyh vin, OAO


Äåðáåíòñêèé çàâîä èãðèñòûõ âèí”, ÎÀÎ



Production of champagne "Sovietskoe ", grape wine, port wine.

The factory was founded in the late 19th century and is one of the few companies which carried out the entire production cycle, from cultivation of grapes, its processing and ending with finished products.

Today the winery is a state-of-the-art factory equipped with modern filling lines made in Italy and Germany.

Following 2010, the plant became the leader of the Russian alcohol market for the production and sales of champagne. 33 mln. bottles of champagne were produced.

In addition to actually "Russian champagne" DERBENTSKY zavod igristyh vin (Derbent factory of sparkling wines) produces champagne of special names: "Gray Caspian Sea", "Emperor", "Yuri Dolgoruky", "Derbent red sparkling wine", "Russia's Brut".

All products are manufactured in conventional bottles 0.75 liter, and in a special deluxe version - bottles from 0.375 liters to 6.0 liters.

Derbent plant of sparkling wine is the only plant in Russia which pours champagne into souvenir bottles of 6/-3/-1.5/-0.75/- 0375 liter, as well as in a crystal engraved bottle with capacity 1.5/-3.0  liter.

All products of groupe  "Russian champagne” are made in accordance with the requirements of GOST 13918 for special technological instructions using specific processing methods and raw materials. At Russian and international competitions products of the group "Russian champagne” have won 7 gold and 23 silver medals and were awarded many diplomas, including those for best production design.
Products of  still wine group  (wine that is not saturated with carbon dioxide) are represented by dry, semidry, semisweet wines and port.

This is dry red wine "Kara-Coisu” which won a gold and three silver medals, dry white wine "Aligote", natural sweet wine "Rosalie",  stable rank high at the wine competitions, and strong winesPort 72”, “Port 777” and port "Caucasus" marked Diplomas many times.

Production of "Derbent factory of sparkling wines" has won numerous medals and diplomas, as well as appreciation and recognition at professional tastings in Moscow and St. - Petersburg. These are the three Grand prix and 132 medals of different denominations for a total.


11, G. Davydovoy Str., Derbent, Republic of Dagestan, 368600 Russia

Tel.: (87240) 2-32-55


Fax:  (87240) 2-32-55



General Executive:

Magomed Mukhtarovich Sadulaev


1. water bottles cleaning with ultra-pure water

2. water conditioning.

3. treatment of wastewater line cleaning containers and equipment

4. creation of a closed water cycle.



ÎÀÎ «Íàðçàí»


The enterprize is the oldest bottler for  bottling mineral water in Stavropol region - in1894 industrial bottling of mineral water Narzan was rut into operation.

Today the company is equipped with most modern domestic and imported production equipment, engineering services, systems, processing and preparation of mineral water for bottling.

The product range of the bottler includes world-renowned brand - natural mineral water Narzan, drinks based on mineral water Narzan and natural juices "Shorli sparkling”, drinking artesian water" Ice Pearl "and soft drinks of series "Ice Pearl”.

The products manufactured by bottlery Narzan, are always closely associated with the notion of impeccable quality.

Over the past 10 years of the bottlery Narzan received 26 international and 45 national awards for leadership in business and high quality products.


43, Kirova Str., Kislovodsk, Stavropol region, Russia, 357743

Tel.: (87937) 6-22-76





Valery Pavlovich Betsky





Agrofirma FAT, OOO


Îáùåñòâî ñ îãðàíè÷åííîé îòâåòñòâåííîñòüþ

"Àãðîôèðìà Ôàò"

Agrofirma FAT is a part of company of "The Brewing Home Bavaria".

The specialists of Agricultural company "FAT" produce high-quality Bavarian beer now.

Since 2007 they started bottling therapeutic drinking mineral water "Kazbek- Aqua”. In addition, since 2007 "FAT" produces sugary soft drinks product family.

Among the latter there are a refreshing drink "Pinocchio", "Pear", "Raspberry", "Cherry", and such an unusual like "Pitahaya”.

"The Brewing Home Bavaria" was established in Vladikavkaz in 1994. It is a Russian-Germany-Hungarian joint venture. The equipment of the Hungarian firm Pannonpatent installed here and Bavarian technology allow to produce true bavarian beer. German malt is used in beer brewing. In addition best varieties of aromatic and bitter hops are brewed with the purest mountain water.

In May 2003, the brewery has been completely modernized. The whole brewing process became  to control from a central console.

Currently the specialists together with German colleagues do a "Bavarian light beer”, including the unfiltered, "Bavarian dark beer”.

These sorts were appreciated by true lovers of beer and a strict jury at the different international tasting competitions.


75, Telman Str., Vladikavkaz city, Republic North Ossetian-Alaniya, 362021 Russia

Tel.: (8672) 76-13-21



Fax: (8672) 76-86-04

E-mail:;           ;



Vjacheslav Zelimhanovich Bitarov



Building materials


Novorosscement, OAO

Îòêðûòîå àêöèîíåðíîå îáùåñòâî "Íîâîðîñöåìåíò"

Offers: Portland cement, clinker, crushed stone

It is the oldest cement factory in Russia whose products are known more than 125 years at the domestic and international markets.

It consists of three cement plants with a complete production cycle: “the Proletariat", "October" and "Pervomaisky” and service units too.

The Novoroscement is one of the largest Russian manufacturers of construction products and major supplier of cement in the Krasnodar region. Its annual production capacity is 4.1 mln. tons, accounting for more than 6% of cement capacities in Russia.

For examle, in 2008,the Novoroscement released more than 4 mln. tons of high quality cement.

The staff  is over 3,000 persons.

Conformity of production requirements of normative documentation is provided by laboratories that are equipped with modern testing equipment and instruments. This allows of testing of cement to meet both Russian and foreign standards.

Solving the problem of techno-economic development, the Novoroscement pays great attention to environmental safety. In 2008 the costs in environmental activities amounted to 265 mln. rubles. An unique project that has no analogues in the Russian cement industry was the construction of sewage treatment plants with deep biological treatment of domestic sewage. As a result, the discharge of pollutants was stopped into the water of Tsemess Bay, and purified water is returned to the process (the degree of purification is equivalent to the level applicable to the wastewater discharged into water for fishing).

The project of modernization of the system of de-dusting clinker cooler was implemented at one of the I85-meter rotary kilns with the installation of imported bag filter for cleaning exhaust gases from high temperature and abrasive dust. In fact at this sector dust emissions decreased by 14 times compared with the approved regulations. Dedusting system of packaging machines is replaced at "October " and "Pervomaisky” plants.

One of the cement silos at the plant "Proletarian" was reconstructed for shipment accorging to European technology.


60,  Sukhumskoye shosse, Novorossiysk city, Krasnodar region,   335902, Russia

Tel: (8617) 61-35-18


Fax: (8617) 64-18-42




Managing director:

Igor Viljevich Solonin


Engineering manager:

Viktor Mikhailovich Starovoytov