French-Russian laboratory “Ion-exchange Membranes and Related Processes”

The activity of the French-Russian Laboratory is aimed at the generation of new knowledge pertinent for elaboration of novel membranes with optimized properties (via varying structure, chemical nature, surface asymmetry and topography) associated with optimized physico-chemical conditions of operation (electric and hydrodynamic)



•  Institut Européen des Membranes,  IEMM,  UMR 5635  CNRS / UM2; Montpellier
•  Institut de Chimie et des Matériaux de Paris Est, ICMPE UMR 7182 CNRS / Paris 12; Paris


•  Membrane Institute, Kuban State University, KubSU, Krasnodar
•  Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, IGIC, Russian Academy of Sciences , Moscow

Start: January 2011

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